Efficient Arrangement of the Replication Fork Trap for In Vitro Propagation of Monomeric Circular DNA in the Chromosome-Replication Cycle Reaction

Life (Basel). 2018 Sep 25;8(4):43. doi: 10.3390/life8040043.


Propagation of genetic information is a fundamental prerequisite for living cells. We recently developed the replication cycle reaction (RCR), an in vitro reaction for circular DNA propagation, by reconstitution of the replication cycle of the Escherichia coli chromosome. In RCR, two replication forks proceed bidirectionally from the replication origin, oriC, and meet at a region opposite oriC, yielding two copies of circular DNA. Although RCR essentially propagates supercoiled monomers, concatemer byproducts are also produced due to inefficient termination of the replication fork progression. Here, we examined the effect of the Tus-ter replication fork trap in RCR. Unexpectedly, when the fork traps were placed opposite oriC, mimicking their arrangement on the chromosome, the propagation of circular DNA was inhibited. On the other hand, fork traps flanking oriC allowed efficient propagation of circular DNA and repressed concatemer production. These findings suggest that collision of the two convergence forks through the fork trap is detrimental to repetition of the replication cycle. We further demonstrate that this detrimental effect was rescued by the UvrD helicase. These results provide insights into the way in which circular DNA monomers replicate repetitively without generating concatemers.

Keywords: DNA amplification; chromosome replication; replication fork; replication termination.