The potential role of microbiota for controlling the spread of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE) in neonatal population

F1000Res. 2017 Jul 25:6:1217. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.10713.1. eCollection 2017.


The spread of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE) in the hospital and also the community is worrisome. Neonates particularly are exposed to the risk of ESBL-PE acquisition and, owing to the immaturity of their immune system, to a higher secondary risk of ESBL-PE-related infection. Reducing the risk of acquisition in the hospital is usually based on a bundle of measures, including screening policies at admission, improving hand hygiene compliance, and decreasing antibiotic consumption. However, recent scientific data suggest new prevention opportunities based on microbiota modifications.

Keywords: ESBL-PE; Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase – Producing Enterobacteriaceae; neonatal infections.

Publication types

  • Review

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