UV Spectrometric Indirect Analysis of Brominated MWCNTs with UV Active Thiols and an Alkene-Reaction Kinetics, Quantification and Differentiation of Adsorbed Bromine and Oxygen

Materials (Basel). 2013 Jul 24;6(8):3035-3063. doi: 10.3390/ma6083035.


Indirect UV-absorption spectrometry was shown to be a valuable tool for chemical characterization of functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs). It complements data from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) or FTIR analysis since it helps to clarify the type and concentration of functional groups. The principles of indirect application of UV-spectrometry and its mathematical interpretation are discussed. Their facile application, together with their adequate sensitivity and high flexibility, make UV-absorption-based approaches a valuable alternative to fluorescence spectrometry. Here, the approach was applied to the chemical analysis of oxidizing substances on CNTs. For this, pristine CNTs of low but finite oxygen content as well as brominated CNTs were analyzed by reaction in suspension with UV-active thiol reagents and a styrene derivative. It was shown that carefully selected reagents allow differentiation and quantification of bromine and generally oxidizing entities like oxygen. For brominated CNTs, it was shown that physisorbed bromine may dominate the overall bromine content.

Keywords: CNTs; UV-spectrometry; bromination; carbon nanotubes; disulfides; kinetics; mercaptans; quantification; thiols.