Introducing a Competency Framework for Educational Researchers: The Case of Vietnam

Eval Rev. 2024 Mar 20:193841X241240639. doi: 10.1177/0193841X241240639. Online ahead of print.


In this paper, based on the established Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF), we introduce a new framework, tailor-made specifically for Vietnamese educational researchers, namely, Vietnam's Framework for Educational Researchers (VFER). VFER is expected to serve as a tool for Vietnamese educational researchers to self-evaluate their skills and support them in developing their career qualities from junior to senior career ladders. The framework includes four domains with ten subdomains and 28 indicators. To date, VFER has been implemented in some Vietnamese universities of pedagogical education. We expect that other research fields will look to VFER as a reference to build their own research capacity framework.

Keywords: development framework; educational researcher; researcher development; scientist career.

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  • Editorial