Investigation of the Behavior of Hardening Masonry Exposed to Variable Stresses

Materials (Basel). 2018 Apr 28;11(5):697. doi: 10.3390/ma11050697.


This paper analyzes the behavior of masonry under variable loads during execution (construction stage). It specifies the creep coefficient for calcium silicate brick masonry, presenting the research data of masonry deformation under variable and constant long-term loads. The interaction of separate layers of composite material in masonry is introduced and the formulae for determining long-term deformations are offered. The research results of masonry’s compressive strength and deformation properties under variable and constant long-term loads are presented. These are then compared to calculated ones. According to the presented comparison, the calculated long-term deformations coincide quite well with those determined experimentally.

Keywords: deformations; masonry; masonry creep; shrinkage; variable long-term load.