DiLizium: A Two-Party Lattice-Based Signature Scheme

Entropy (Basel). 2021 Jul 30;23(8):989. doi: 10.3390/e23080989.


In this paper, we propose DiLizium: a new lattice-based two-party signature scheme. Our scheme is constructed from a variant of the Crystals-Dilithium post-quantum signature scheme. This allows for more efficient two-party implementation compared with the original but still derives its post-quantum security directly from the Module Learning With Errors and Module Short Integer Solution problems. We discuss our design rationale, describe the protocol in full detail, and provide performance estimates and a comparison with previous schemes. We also provide a security proof for the two-party signature computation protocol against a classical adversary. Extending this proof to a quantum adversary is subject to future studies. However, our scheme is secure against a quantum attacker who has access to just the public key and not the two-party signature creation protocol.

Keywords: Fiat–Shamir with aborts; digital signatures; distributed signing; lattice-based cryptography; post-quantum cryptography; threshold signatures.