Energy demand analysis via small scale hydroponic systems in suburban areas - An integrated energy-food nexus solution

Sci Total Environ. 2017 Sep 1:593-594:610-617. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.170. Epub 2017 Mar 28.


The study is a qualitative approach and looks into new ways for the effective energy management of a wind farm (WF) operation in a suburban or near-urban environment in order the generated electricity to be utilised for hydroponic farming purposes as well. Since soilless hydroponic indoor systems gain more and more attention one basic goal, among others, is to take advantage of this not typical electricity demand and by managing it, offering to the grid a less fluctuating electricity generation signal. In this paper, a hybrid business model is presented where the Distributed Energy Resources (DER) producer is participating in the electricity markets under competitive processes (spot market, real-time markets etc.) and at the same time acts as a retailer offering - based on the demand - to the hydroponic units for their mass deployment in an area, putting forward an integrated energy-food nexus approach.

Keywords: Energy demand; IRR; Indoor hydroponic units; Wind resource assessment.