Isomerization Pathways of a Mismatched Base Pair of A:8OG in Free Duplex DNA

J Chem Inf Model. 2024 May 20. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.4c00563. Online ahead of print.


The A:8OG base pair (bp) is the outcome of DNA replication of the mismatched C:8OG bp. A high A:8OG bp population increases the C/G to A/T transversion mutation, which is responsible for various diseases. MutY is an important enzyme in the error-proof cycle and reverts A:8OG to C:8OG bp by cleaving adenine from the A:8OG bp. Several X-ray crystallography studies have determined the structure of MutY during the lesion scanning and lesion recognition stages. Interestingly, glycosidic bond (χ) angles of A:8OG bp in those two lesion recognition structures were found to differ, which implies that χ-torsion isomerization should occur during the lesion recognition process. In this study, as a first step to understanding this isomerization process, we characterized the intrinsic dynamic features of A:8OG in free DNAs by a free energy landscape simulation at the all-atom level. In this study, four isomerization states were assigned in the order of abundance: Aanti:8OGsyn > Aanti:8OGanti > Asyn:8OGanti ≈ Asyn:8OGsyn. Of these bp states, only 8OG in Asyn:8OGanti was located in the extrahelical space, whereas the purine bases (A and 8OG) in the other bp states remained inside the DNA helix. Also, free energy landscapes showed that the isomerization processes connecting these four bp states proceeded mostly in the intrahelical space via successive single glycosidic bond rotations of either A or 8OG.