UIdataGB: Multi-Class ultrasound images dataset for gallbladder disease detection

Data Brief. 2024 Apr 15:54:110426. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110426. eCollection 2024 Jun.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows computers to self-develop decision-making algorithms through huge data analysis. In medical investigations, using computers to automatically diagnose diseases is a promising area of research that could change healthcare strategies worldwide. However, it can be challenging to reproduce or/and compare various approaches due to the often-limited datasets comprising medical images. Since there is no open access dataset for the Gallbladder (GB) organ, we introduce, in this study, a large dataset that includes 10,692 GB Ultrasound Images (UI) acquired at high resolution from 1,782 individuals. These UI include many disease types related to the GB, and they are organized around nine important anatomical landmarks. The data in this collection can be used to train machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models for computer-aided detection of GB diseases. It can also help academics conduct comparative studies and test out novel techniques for analyzing UI to explore the medical domain of GB diseases. The objective is then to help move medical imaging forward so that patients get better treatment.

Keywords: Deep learning; Gallbladder diseases; Machine learning; Medical imaging.