Exploring the Perspectives of Parents of Individuals with Autism from Low-Resourced Communities to Inform Family Navigator Programs

J Dev Phys Disabil. 2024 Apr;36(2):271-292. doi: 10.1007/s10882-023-09906-8. Epub 2023 Apr 14.


Family navigator programs (i.e., programs to train family navigators) are becoming increasingly common among families of children with autism. Family navigators (i.e., individuals who help families access evaluations and/or services) may be parents of children with autism themselves or health professionals. Extant research has shown that family navigators can help families receive timely diagnostic evaluations and initial services. Yet, the development of family navigator programs is unclear; by exploring the input of families of children with autism, such programs can be responsive to family needs. In this study, we extend the extent literature by exploring the lived experiences of 12 parents of autistic children from low-resourced communities to inform the development of a family navigator program. Findings demonstrated that navigator programs need to prepare navigators to address barriers such as limited knowledge and difficulty accepting an autism diagnosis. Navigator programs should teach navigators to use strategies with families including educating families about services and connecting families with peer support. Program content should reflect direct services, government services, and advocacy strategies. Notably, for true improvements to service access for all autistic children, systemic changes are also needed in the service delivery systems. Implications are discussed.

Keywords: Access; Family; Navigator; Services.