Protocol for identifying properties of ERBB receptor antagonists using the barcoded ERBBprofiler assay

STAR Protoc. 2024 Apr 16;5(2):102987. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2024.102987. Online ahead of print.


The ERBBprofiler assay measures compound effects on ERBB family receptors and key downstream signaling pathways that are implicated in cancer or other complex diseases. Here, we present a protocol for identifying properties of ERBB receptor antagonists using the barcoded ERBBprofiler assay. We describe steps for in-solution transfection, cell treatment, combined processing of samples, amplification and indexing of PCRs, sequencing, and data analysis. This approach allows for the simultaneous assessment of drug effects and cell-type-dependent effects. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Popović et al.1.

Keywords: Cancer; Cell culture; Cell-based Assays.