Drug Repurposing: A Leading Strategy for New Threats and Targets

ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci. 2024 Apr 1;7(4):915-932. doi: 10.1021/acsptsci.3c00361. eCollection 2024 Apr 12.


Less than 6% of rare illnesses have an appropriate treatment option. Repurposed medications for new indications are a cost-effective and time-saving strategy that results in excellent success rates, which may significantly lower the risk associated with therapeutic development for rare illnesses. It is becoming a realistic alternative to repurposing "conventional" medications to treat joint and rare diseases considering the significant failure rates, high expenses, and sluggish stride of innovative medication advancement. This is due to delisted compounds, cheaper research fees, and faster development time frames. Repurposed drug competitors have been developed using strategic decisions based on data analysis, interpretation, and investigational approaches, but technical and regulatory restrictions must also be considered. Combining experimental and computational methodologies generates innovative new medicinal applications. It is a one-of-a-kind strategy for repurposing human-safe pharmaceuticals to treat uncommon and difficult-to-treat ailments. It is a very effective method for discovering and creating novel medications. Several pharmaceutical firms have developed novel therapies by repositioning old medications. Repurposing drugs is practical, cost-effective, and speedy and generally involves lower risks when compared to developing a new drug from the beginning.

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