5-HT3 antagonist, tropisetron, ameliorates age-related renal injury induced by D-galactose in male mice: Up-regulation of sirtuin 1

Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2024;27(5):577-587. doi: 10.22038/IJBMS.2024.74025.16098.


Objectives: The kidney ages faster than other organs due to changes in energy metabolism, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress. This study looked into the anti-aging effect of tropisetron.

Materials and methods: D-galactose was administrated subcutaneously in a mouse model for eight weeks in order to induce renal aging. Three separate intraperitoneal doses of tropisetron (1, 3, and 5 mg/kg body weight) were given at the same time. We assessed markers of mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Via Real-Time PCR, the expressions of genes linked to aging (SIRT1) and apoptosis (Bax and Bcl-2) were ascertained. In addition, an assessment of histopathological changes, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine concentrations was done.

Results: In kidney tissue, tropisetron reduces mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, which are caused by D-galactose-induced overproduction of inflammatory mediators. Additionally, tropisetron demonstrated antiapoptotic activity in renal tissue and augmented the decrease in SIRT1 gene expression associated with D-galactose administration. Besides, tropisetron significantly improved the histological alterations in the renal tissues of aged mice and effectively decreased the elevated levels of creatinine and also blood urea nitrogen.

Conclusion: The results provided additional insight into the effect of tropisetron on renal aging and the underlying mechanisms, particularly through its ability to modulate SIRT1 signaling.

Keywords: Aging; Apoptosis; Nephrotoxicity; Oxidative stress; Tropisetron.