Examining compulsive exercise as a risk factor for eating disorder symptoms in first-year college students using a latent change score modeling approach

Int J Eat Disord. 2024 Apr 15. doi: 10.1002/eat.24219. Online ahead of print.


Objective: Research suggests that both compulsive exercise and eating disordered behaviors increase during college. Despite strong cross-sectional associations between compulsive exercise and eating disorders, it is unknown if compulsive exercise is a variable risk factor for eating disorders or simply a correlate. It was hypothesized that increases in compulsive exercise would significantly and prospectively predict increases in overall number of eating disorder symptoms over the study period.

Method: A total of 265 first year college students who did not meet criteria for a full or subthreshold eating disorder diagnosis at Time 1 (age M = 18.15; SD = 0.42; 122 female [46%] at Time 1) completed reports of compulsive exercise and eating disorder symptoms via online questionnaires at four timepoints over the 9-month 2021-2022 academic year (76% retention rate). Hypotheses were tested using a bivariate latent change score model.

Results: Hypotheses were not supported. Change in compulsive exercise did not predict change in number of eating disorder symptoms. Change in number of eating disorder symptoms also did not predict change in compulsive exercise.

Conclusions: Compulsive exercise did not emerge as a variable risk factor for the development of eating disorder symptoms among first year college students. The relationship between these behaviors should be investigated at different developmental timepoints, such as early adolescence, and potential third variables that may explain the observed co-occurrence should be explored.

Public significance: This study investigated whether increases in compulsive exercise predicted increases in number of eating disorder symptoms among first year college students. Compulsive exercise did not significantly predict number of eating disorder symptoms. Additional research is warranted to clarify the relationship between compulsive exercise and eating disorder symptoms.

Keywords: college students; compulsive exercise; eating disorders; longitudinal studies.