Effects of diameters of implant and abutment screw on stress distribution within dental implant and alveolar bone: A three-dimensional finite element analysis

J Dent Sci. 2024 Apr;19(2):1126-1134. doi: 10.1016/j.jds.2023.12.020. Epub 2024 Jan 11.


Background/purpose: Few studies have investigated the effects of abutment screw diameter in the stress of dental implants and alveolar bones under occlusal forces. In this study, we investigated how variations in implant diameter, abutment screw diameter, and bone condition affect stresses in the abutment screw, implant, and surrounding bone.

Materials and methods: Three-dimensional finite element (FE) models were fabricated for dental implants with external hex-type abutments measuring 4 and 5 mm in diameter. The models also included abutment screws measuring 2.0 and 2.5 mm in diameter. Each implant model was integrated with the mandibular bone comprising the cortical bone and four types of cancellous bone. In total, 12 finite element models were generated, subjected to three different occlusal forces, and analyzed using FE software to investigate the stress distribution of dental implant and alveolar bone.

Results: Wider implants demonstrated lower stresses in implant and bone compared with standard-diameter implants. The quality of cancellous bone has a minimal impact on the stress values of the implant, abutment screw, and cortical bone. Regardless of occlusal arrangement or quality of cancellous bone, a consistent pattern emerged: larger abutment screw diameters led to increased stress levels on the screws, while the stress levels in both cortical and cancellous bone showed comparatively minor fluctuations.

Conclusion: Wider implants tend to have better stress distribution than standard-diameter implants. The potential advantage of augmenting the abutment screw diameter is unfavorable. It may result in elevated stresses in the implant system.

Keywords: Abutment screw; Bone; Finite element analysis; Implant diameter; Stress.