Social Support, Stress and Emotional Symptoms Among LGBTQ+ College Students in Chile

Int J Sex Health. 2021 Dec 21;34(2):277-290. doi: 10.1080/19317611.2021.2014014. eCollection 2022.


Objective: to compare the relationships between emotional symptomatology and perceived social support according to gender identity and sexual orientation in LGBTQ+ university students.

Methods: 322 Chilean LGBTQ+ college students answered an online survey based on sociodemographic information and validated instruments. Analysis of variance and linear regressions were made.

Results: Transgender people have more emotional symptoms and stress and less perceived social support from family than the rest of LGBTQ+ students. Depression and anxiety are negatively associated with perceived social support from friends and family.

Conclusions: Perceived social support decreases emotional symptomatology even when controlling for current stress in LGBTQ+ students.

Keywords: Emotional symptoms; LGBTQ+; social support; stress.