Brain network hierarchy reorganization in subthreshold depression

Neuroimage Clin. 2024 Mar 18:42:103594. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2024.103594. Online ahead of print.


Background: Hierarchy is the organizing principle of human brain network. How network hierarchy changes in subthreshold depression (StD) is unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the altered brain network hierarchy and its clinical significance in patients with StD.

Methods: A total of 43 patients with StD and 43 healthy controls matched for age, gender and years of education participated in this study. Alterations in the hierarchy of StD brain networks were depicted by connectome gradient analysis. We assessed changes in network hierarchy by comparing gradient scores in each network in patients with StD and healthy controls. The study compared different brain subdivisions if there was a different network. Finally, we analysed the relationship between the altered gradient scores and clinical characteristics.

Results: Patients with StD had contracted network hierarchy and suppressed cortical range gradients. In the principal gradient, the gradient scores of default mode network were significantly reduced in patients with StD compared to controls. In the default network, the subdivisions of reduced gradient scores were mainly located in the precuneus, superior temporal gyrus, and anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus. Reduced gradient scores in the default mode network, the anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus were correlated with severity of depression.

Conclusions: The network hierarchy of the StD changed and was significantly correlated with depressive symptoms and severity. These results provided new insights into further understanding of the neural mechanisms of StD.

Keywords: Default mode network; Gradient; Hierarchy; Subthreshold depression.