Wearables in sociodrama: An embodied mixed-methods study of expressiveness in social interactions

Wearable Technol. 2022 Jun 13:3:e10. doi: 10.1017/wtc.2022.7. eCollection 2022.


This mixed-methods study investigates the use of wearable technology in embodied psychology research and explores the potential of incorporating bio-signals to focus on the bodily impact of the social experience. The study relies on scientifically established psychological methods of studying social issues, collective relationships and emotional overloads, such as sociodrama, in combination with participant observation to qualitatively detect and observe verbal and nonverbal aspects of social behavior. We evaluate the proposed method through a pilot sociodrama session and reflect on the outcomes. By utilizing an experimental setting that combines video cameras, microphones, and wearable sensors measuring physiological signals, specifically, heart rate, we explore how the synchronization and analysis of the different signals and annotations enables a mixed-method that combines qualitative and quantitative instruments in studying embodied expressiveness and social interaction.

Keywords: embodiment; heart-rate; mixed-methods; sociodrama; video annotation; wearables.