Indigenous Identity and Household Food Insecurity are Associated with Poor Health Outcomes in Canada

Can J Diet Pract Res. 2024 Mar 13:1-7. doi: 10.3148/cjdpr-2023-024. Online ahead of print.


Purpose: To examine whether Indigenous identity and food insecurity combined were associated with self-reported poor health.Methods: Data from the 2015-2016 Canadian Community Health Survey and multiple logistic regression were employed to evaluate the association between Indigenous identity, household food insecurity, and health outcomes, adjusted for individual and household covariates. The Alexander Research Committee in Alexander First Nation (Treaty 6) reviewed the manuscript and commented on the interpretation of study findings.Results: Data were from 59082 adults (3756 Indigenous). The prevalence of household food insecurity was 26.3% for Indigenous adults and 9.8% for non-Indigenous adults (weighted to the Canadian population). Food-secure Indigenous adults, food-insecure non-Indigenous adults, and food-insecure Indigenous adults had significantly (p < 0.001) greater odds of poor health outcomes than food-secure non-Indigenous adults (referent group). Food-insecure Indigenous adults had 1.96 [95% CI:1.53,2.52], 3.73 [95% CI: 2.95,4.72], 3.00 [95% CI:2.37,3.79], and 3.94 [95% CI:3.02,5.14] greater odds of a chronic health condition, a chronic mental health disorder, poor general health, and poor mental health, respectively, compared to food-secure non-Indigenous adults.Conclusions: Health policy decisions and programs should focus on food security initiatives for all Canadians, including addressing the unique challenges of Indigenous communities, irrespective of their food security status.

Keywords: Autochtones Canadiens; Canada; Indigenous Canadians; adult; adulte; chronic disease; enquêtes sur la santé; food insecurity; food security; health equity; health status indicators; health surveys; indicateurs de l’état de santé; insécurité alimentaire; maladie chronique; mental health; santé mentale; sécurité alimentaire; équité en santé.