Score-based Counterfactual Generation for Interpretable Medical Image Classification and Lesion Localization

IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2024 Mar 14:PP. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2024.3375357. Online ahead of print.


Deep neural networks (DNNs) have immense potential for precise clinical decision-making in the field of biomedical imaging. However, accessing high-quality data is crucial for ensuring the high-performance of DNNs. Obtaining medical imaging data is often challenging in terms of both quantity and quality. To address these issues, we propose a score-based counterfactual generation (SCG) framework to create counterfactual images from latent space, to compensate for scarcity and imbalance of data. In addition, some uncertainties in external physical factors may introduce unnatural features and further affect the estimation of the true data distribution. Therefore, we integrated a learnable FuzzyBlock into the classifier of the proposed framework to manage these uncertainties. The proposed SCG framework can be applied to both classification and lesion localization tasks. The experimental results revealed a remarkable performance boost in classification tasks, achieving an average performance enhancement of 3-5% compared to previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods in interpretable lesion localization.