Being met as a person and not as a diagnosis - Meanings of healthcare encounters for women with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease stage III or IV

Health Care Women Int. 2024 Feb 9:1-13. doi: 10.1080/07399332.2024.2310068. Online ahead of print.


Our study seeks to elucidate meanings of healthcare encounters for women with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease stage III or IV. We conducted 12 narrative interviews which were analyzed using phenomenological hermeneutic interpretation. Our analysis revealed one theme; being met as a person and not as a diagnosis with three subthemes: getting sufficient time and feeling involved in care; fulfillment of personal needs; and experiencing disrespect and injustice. We found that meanings of healthcare encounters center on the expectation of being seen as a person. Feeling disrespected and injust leaves women unsupported and could pose serious health risks.