Effects of Citrus depressa Hayata juice on high-fat diet-induced obesity in HBV transgenic mice

Heliyon. 2024 Jan 10;10(2):e24438. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e24438. eCollection 2024 Jan 30.


The present study investigated the potential anti-obesity properties of Citrus depressa Hayata (CDH) juice in HBV transgenic mice, as well as the impact of fermentation on the effectiveness of the juice. The results revealed that fermentation increased the levels of polyphenols and hesperidin in CDH juice. The animal study demonstrated that both juices were effective in mitigating the weight gain induced by a high-fat diet by correcting metabolic parameter imbalances, reducing hepatic lipid accumulation, and reversing hepatic immune suppression. Furthermore, fermented juice exhibited superior efficacy in managing body weight and inhibiting the expansion of white adipose tissue (WAT). Fermented juice significantly enhanced adiponectin production and PPARγ expression in WAT, while also reducing hypertrophy. This study offers valuable insights into the potential role of CDH juices in combating obesity associated with high fat consumption and underscores the promise of CDH juice as a functional beverage.

Keywords: Citrus depressa hayata; HBV; Hesperidin; High-fat diet-induced obesity; Juice; Mice; Polyphenol; fermentation.