Unified fair federated learning for digital healthcare

Patterns (N Y). 2023 Dec 28;5(1):100907. doi: 10.1016/j.patter.2023.100907. eCollection 2024 Jan 12.


Federated learning (FL) is a promising approach for healthcare institutions to train high-quality medical models collaboratively while protecting sensitive data privacy. However, FL models encounter fairness issues at diverse levels, leading to performance disparities across different subpopulations. To address this, we propose Federated Learning with Unified Fairness Objective (FedUFO), a unified framework consolidating diverse fairness levels within FL. By leveraging distributionally robust optimization and a unified uncertainty set, it ensures consistent performance across all subpopulations and enhances the overall efficacy of FL in healthcare and other domains while maintaining accuracy levels comparable with those of existing methods. Our model was validated by applying it to four digital healthcare tasks using real-world datasets in federated settings. Our collaborative machine learning paradigm not only promotes artificial intelligence in digital healthcare but also fosters social equity by embodying fairness.

Keywords: algorithmic fairness; digital healthcare; federated learning.