Family Income Level, Income Structure, and Dietary Imbalance of Elderly Households in Rural China

Foods. 2024 Jan 6;13(2):190. doi: 10.3390/foods13020190.


In rural areas, the aging of households is becoming increasingly severe, and the issue of dietary imbalance among the elderly is becoming increasingly prominent. Using data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), the negative binomial regression method was used to investigate the impact of household income level on dietary imbalance among rural elderly people, and to explore the heterogeneity of household income structure and its role in the relationship between the two. Research has found that an increase in total household income significantly improves the dietary quality of rural elderly people, and the income structure variable enhances its negative pulling effect on dietary imbalance. For elderly people with moderate dietary imbalance, the effect of increased family income is most significant. In different income groups, the impact of total household income on dietary imbalance in the high-income group is greater than that in the low-income group, and there is also a significant difference in the role played by the proportion of net income from agricultural operations. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the non working income of the elderly, strengthen social responsibility for elderly care, and alleviate the problem of dietary imbalance among rural elderly people.

Keywords: dietary imbalance; family income; income structure; negative binomial regression.