Industry 4.0 and life cycle assessment: Evaluation of the technology applications as an asset for the life cycle inventory

Sci Total Environ. 2024 Mar 15:916:170263. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170263. Epub 2024 Jan 20.


Industry 4.0 technologies present transformative potential in data acquisition for production activities, promising to revolutionize the Life Cycle Inventory process. Despite acknowledging their utility in environmental impact analysis, a gap exists in understanding the specific applicability of these technologies to fulfill ISO 14044 criteria. This study addresses the gap by introducing innovative approaches to Life Cycle Assessment through Industry 4.0 technologies. Beyond existing research, technologies directly impacting LCA development are identified, along with a classification for optimal usage in the LCA process. The crucial role of these technologies in enhanced data collection across life cycle phases is highlighted, introducing a scoring mechanism to identify the technology excelling in enabling Life Cycle Inventory development. Employing a developed framework and systematic literature review, the study aims to identify Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing that facilitate LCA. Findings illuminate potential contributions across different product life cycle stages, with cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, and Simulation and Modelling identified as the most effective technologies for constructing Life Cycle Inventories. The outcomes provide guidance for practitioners in integrating Industry 4.0 technologies into manufacturing activities, offering valuable insights for environmental sustainability assessment.

Keywords: Industry 4.0; Life cycle assessment; Life cycle inventory; Smart factory.