SpectraX: A Straightforward Tool for Principal Component Analysis-Based Spectral Analysis

J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2024 Feb 7;35(2):397-400. doi: 10.1021/jasms.3c00322. Epub 2024 Jan 13.


The analysis of complex spectra is an important component of direct/ambient mass spectrometry (MS) applications such as natural product screening. Unlike chromatography-based metabolomics or proteomics approaches, which rely on software and algorithms, the work of spectral screening is mostly performed manually in the initial stages of research and relies heavily on the experience of the analyst. As a result, throughput and spectral screening reliability are problematic when dealing with large amounts of data. Here, we present SpectraX, a MATLAB-based application, which can analyze MS spectra and quickly locate m/z features from them. Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to analyze the data set, and scoring plots are presented to help in understanding the clustering of data. The algorithm uses mass to charge (m/z) features to produce a list of potential natural products.