Perception of Noise Pollution Among Youths and Adults in Urban Puducherry, South India

Cureus. 2023 Nov 28;15(11):e49573. doi: 10.7759/cureus.49573. eCollection 2023 Nov.


Objective The study seeks to assess the perceptions of people on evaluating the sources of noise, noise-induced health issues, and noise regulation awareness among the exposed population present in the study site of urban Puducherry, South India. Methods A cross-sectional survey using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire was conducted between July and August 2021 in 32 study sites in urban Puducherry to evaluate how adults and youth perceive noise pollution. The questionnaire gathered details on their sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge of the problems associated with noise pollution, source of noise pollution, effects of noise on health, and awareness of regulations related to noise pollution. Results Half of the study participants perceive that noise pollution is a problem in their localities; the majority feel disturbed by that noise; and the most prevalent reason given for noise pollution is traffic noise. Most of the participants reported that trouble paying attention to work or conversations was the most frequent health impact of noise pollution. Participants who are employed, have formal education, belong to families above the poverty line, and reside near the main road and sub-main road (less than 200 meters) showed a significant association (p-value <0.05) with perceived noise pollution problems. Conclusion Based on the findings, it can be concluded that respondents in urban Puducherry perceive traffic noise as the most common source of noise pollution. The majority of the participants felt that the excessive noise made it difficult for them to focus on their work. Individuals who reside or work close to a major highway and outdoor workers believe noise pollution is a big problem.

Keywords: annoyance; hearing loss; noise pollution; noise sensitivity; traffic noise.