Ratiometric fluorescence sensing and quantification of circulating blood sodium sensors in mice in vivo

Biomed Opt Express. 2023 Oct 3;14(11):5555-5568. doi: 10.1364/BOE.499263. eCollection 2023 Nov 1.


In this work, we introduce ratiometric diffuse in vivo flow cytometry (R-DiFC) for quantitative measurement of circulating fluorescent red blood cell (fRBC) sensors for systemic blood sodium levels. Unlike in our previous work in measuring circulating fRBC sensors, R-DiFC allows simultaneous measurement of two fluorophores encapsulated in the sensor, the ratio of which enables self-calibration of the fluorescence signal with different fRBC depths in biological tissue. We show that the R-DiFC signal varies significantly less than either fluorescence signal alone. This work holds promise for personalized monitoring of systemic sodium for bipolar patients in the future.