Commentary: Technoference or parental phubbing? A call for greater conceptual and operational clarity of parental smartphone use around children

J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2023 Nov 28. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.13917. Online ahead of print.


Recent years have seen a widespread integration of technology into the daily lives of families. Psychological science has recently started to focus on the use of smartphones by parents while they are engaged in parenting activities, a behavior known under the terms "phubbing," "technoference," "parental screen distraction," and various other terms. We argue that understanding the real impact of co-present smartphone use by parents is inhibited by problems related to the conceptualization and methodology employed in empirical studies. In the present commentary, we identify the features of current research that may contribute to the theory crisis and hamper the progress of psychological research. Specifically, we discuss the implications of (a) inconsistent conceptualization of the phenomenon and (b) suboptimal operationalizations that may prevent us from understanding what is being studied and call for greater consideration of definitional clarity and valid operationalization in future research.

Keywords: Parent-child interaction; methodology; parent-child relationships; parenting; psychology.