Combination of Host-Associated Rummeliibacillus sp. and Microbacterium sp. Positively Modulated the Growth, Feed Utilization, and Intestinal Microbial Population of Olive Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)

Biology (Basel). 2023 Nov 17;12(11):1443. doi: 10.3390/biology12111443.


Two novel strains of Rummeliibacillus sp. and Microbacterium sp. were identified from the intestine of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and characterized in vitro as potential probiotics. Feeds without probiotic and with a 50:50 mixture of these two strains (1 × 108 CFU/g feed) were denoted as the control and Pro diets, respectively. Three randomly selected tanks (20 flounders/tank, ~11.4 g each) were used for each diet replication. After 8 weeks of feeding, the growth and feed utilization of the flounder in the Pro group improved (p < 0.05) compared to the control. Among four immune parameters, only myeloperoxidase activity was elevated in the Pro group. Serum biochemistry, intestinal microbial richness (Chao1), and diversity (Shannon index) remained unchanged (p ≥ 0.05), but phylogenetic diversity was enriched in the Pro fish intestine. Significantly lower Firmicutes and higher Proteobacteria were found in the Pro diet; the genus abundance in the control and Pro was as follows: Staphylococcus > Lactobacillus > Corynebacterium and Lactobacillus > Staphylococcus > Corynebacterium, respectively. Microbial linear discriminant scores and a cladogram analysis showed significant modulation. Therefore, the combination of two host-associated probiotics improved the growth and intestinal microbial population of flounder and could be supplemented in the Korean flounder industry.

Keywords: Microbacterium sp.; Rummeliibacillus sp.; microbiota; olive flounder; probiotics.