Synchronous Carcinoma in Thyroglossal Cyst: A Rare Occurrence

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2023 Dec;75(4):3843-3846. doi: 10.1007/s12070-023-03808-z. Epub 2023 May 22.


A Thyroglossal cyst is a commonly encountered clinical entity resulting due to the persistence of the thyroglossal duct and the transformation of a few embryonic cells into a cyst. The incidence of malignant change in the thyroglossal cyst is reported as between 1 to 1.8 percent. Here we present a case report of a male who presented with swelling in the neck, on ultrasonography (USG) found to be a thyroglossal cyst, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) suggested a papillary carcinoma within the thyroglossal cyst. Total thyroidectomy with bilateral selective neck dissection, central compartment clearance, and sistrunk operation were done. The histopathological report revealed papillary carcinoma of the thyroid within a thyroglossal cyst with neck nodal metastasis.

Keywords: Neck node involvement; Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid; Sistrunk’s operation; Thyroglossal duct cyst.