Origin of Long-Range Hyperfine Couplings in the EPR Spectra of 2,2,5,5-Tetraethylpyrrolidine-1-oxyls

ACS Omega. 2023 Oct 9;8(41):38723-38732. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.3c06090. eCollection 2023 Oct 17.


Cyclic nitroxides with several bulky alkyl substituents adjacent to the nitroxide group are known to demonstrate a much higher stability to bioreduction than their tetramethyl analogues. Among these so-called "sterically shielded" nitroxides, the pyrrolidine derivatives are the most stable. The EPR spectra of some sterically shielded pyrrolidine-1-oxyls were reported to show one or two large additional doublet splittings with a hyperfine coupling (hfc) constant (ca. 0.2-0.4 mT). To determine the origin of these hfc, a series of 2-R-2,5,5-triethyl-3,4-bis(hydroxymethyl)-pyrrolidine-1-oxyls with methylene groups stereospecifically enriched with deuterium were prepared, and their CW EPR spectra were studied. In addition, these nitroxides were investigated using quantum chemical calculations on the UB3LYP/def2-TZVP level and NBO analysis. The apparent constants were assigned to hfc with γ-hydrogen in the side chain, with the contribution of the NBO orbital βπ*(N-O) to the natural localized molecular orbital βσ(C-H) playing the major role. This interaction is efficient if the ethyl substituent is in the pseudoaxial position of the ring and the CH2-CH3 bond is codirected with (parallel to) N-O. The apparent constant aH increases with the Boltzmann population of this conformation.