Esthetic rehabilitation of mutilated maxillary anterior alveolar segment by combining orthodontic osseous distraction and implant-supported crowns: A clinical report

J Prosthet Dent. 2023 Oct 18:S0022-3913(23)00639-X. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2023.09.024. Online ahead of print.


Bony defects in the esthetic zone, especially in the maxillary anterior region, increase the complexity of surgical and prosthetic procedures. Moving teeth with preprosthetic osseous distraction techniques can be an alternative nonsurgical option to traditional regenerative or reparative surgical therapies to increase bone volume. Healthy peri-implant bone, periodontium, and adjacent teeth provide a favorable environment for implant restorations. The esthetic rehabilitation of the maxillary region after the removal of 2 ankylosed central incisors is presented. The lateral incisors were moved mesially to the central incisor positions, and implants placed in the lateral incisor positions after new healthy bone had been induced.