Localized Refractive Changes Induced by Symmetric and Progressive Asymmetric Intracorneal Ring Segments Assessed with a 3D Finite-Element Model

Bioengineering (Basel). 2023 Aug 27;10(9):1014. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering10091014.


To build a representative 3D finite element model (FEM) for intracorneal ring segment (ICRS) implantation and to investigate localized optical changes induced by different ICRS geometries, a hyperelastic shell FEM was developed to compare the effect of symmetric and progressive asymmetric ICRS designs in a generic healthy and asymmetric keratoconic (KC) cornea. The resulting deformed geometry was assessed in terms of average curvature via a biconic fit, sagittal curvature (K), and optical aberrations via Zernike polynomials. The sagittal curvature map showed a locally restricted flattening interior to the ring (Kmax -11 to -25 dpt) and, in the KC cornea, an additional local steepening on the opposite half of the cornea (Kmax up to +1.9 dpt). Considering the optical aberrations present in the model of the KC cornea, the progressive ICRS corrected vertical coma (-3.42 vs. -3.13 µm); horizontal coma (-0.67 vs. 0.36 µm); and defocus (2.90 vs. 2.75 µm), oblique trefoil (-0.54 vs. -0.08 µm), and oblique secondary astigmatism (0.48 vs. -0.09 µm) aberrations stronger than the symmetric ICRS. Customized ICRS designs inspired by the underlying KC phenotype have the potential to achieve more tailored refractive corrections, particularly in asymmetric keratoconus patterns.

Keywords: 3D model; corneal biomechanics; elastography; finite element model; keratoconus; refractive surgery.