Differences in Perceptual and Attitudinal Body Image Between White and African-American Adults Matched for Sex, Age, and Body Composition

J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2023 Sep 25. doi: 10.1007/s40615-023-01799-9. Online ahead of print.


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differences in perceptual and attitudinal body image between White and African-American males and females matched for sex, age, BMI, and other body composition components using a combination of 3-dimensional mobile digital imaging analysis (DIA) and the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire-Appearance Scale (MBSRQ-AS).

Methods: One-hundred non-Hispanic White (n=50) and non-Hispanic African-American (n=50) adults (M=34, F=66) matched for sex, age, BMI, and body composition components completed this cross-sectional study. Participants underwent several anthropometric assessments, completed the MBSRQ-AS, and rated their perceived appearance, ideal appearance, and the appearance they believed a partner would find societally attractive using a state of the art mobile 3-dimensional DIA produced using broad developmental populations. Body image distortion was measured as the perceived minus actual appearance, and body image dissatisfaction was defined as the ideal appearance and appearance a partner would find attractive minus the perceived appearance.

Results: Using the DIA, only African-American females demonstrated significant body image distortion (p<0.001); reporting perceived appearances significantly lower their than their actual. Further, AA females demonstrated significantly larger differences between their ideal and perceived appearance (p=0.009), perceived larger bodies as more attractive to a potential partner (p=0.009), and reported higher ratings of appearance evaluation (p=0.001) and body area satisfaction (p=0.011) compared to White females.

Conclusions: After accounting for all anthropometric determinants of body image, perceptual and attitudinal body image differs between White and African-American adults with differences supporting larger body size acceptance for African-American individuals, particularly African-American females.

Keywords: Body image; Body image dissatisfaction; Body image distortion; Race; Smartphone.