Stable higher-charge vortex solitons in the cubic-quintic medium with a ring potential

Opt Lett. 2023 Sep 15;48(18):4817-4820. doi: 10.1364/OL.500054.


We put forward a model for trapping stable optical vortex solitons (VSs) with high topological charges m. The cubic-quintic nonlinear medium with an imprinted ring-shaped modulation of the refractive index is shown to support two branches of VSs, which are controlled by the radius, width, and depth of the modulation profile. While the lower-branch VSs are unstable in their nearly whole existence domain, the upper branch is completely stable. Vortex solitons with m ≤ 12 obey the anti-Vakhitov-Kolokolov stability criterion. The results suggest possibilities for the creation of stable narrow optical VSs with a low power, carrying higher vorticities.