A case of diphenhydramine intoxication showing prolonged false positive tricyclic antidepressant in the urine assay

Asian Biomed (Res Rev News). 2023 Aug 12;17(1):39-42. doi: 10.2478/abm-2023-0042. eCollection 2023 Feb.


Background: The urine immunochromatographic assay is a useful screening tool for patients suspected of acute drug intoxication in emergency conditions. Diphenhydramine intoxication shows symptoms similar to those of tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) intoxication.

Case presentation: We examined a case of diphenhydramine intoxication showing cerebellar ataxia and prolonged false positive results for TCA in the urine. The urine TCA test showed persistently positive results even 60 h after the patient's initial drug screening. We observed negative conversion 90 h after the initial drug screening.

Discussion: Considering the similarities of clinical symptoms between diphenhydramine and TCA intoxication, emergency physicians should consider the possibility of cross-reactivity in the diagnosis of a patient with unknown acute drug intoxication showing positive results of TCA immunochromatographic assay in the urine.

Conclusion: The present case suggests that diphenhydramine overdose may cause cerebellar ataxia and show prolonged cross-reactivity as TCA in the urine.

Keywords: ataxia; cross reactivity; diphenhydramine; tricyclic antidepressants; urine immunochromatographic assay.