Fractionated radiotherapy for surgically resected intracranial meningiomas: A multicentre retrospective cohort study

Radiother Oncol. 2023 Nov:188:109861. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2023.109861. Epub 2023 Aug 22.


Background: Aside from surgical resection, the only standard of care treatment modality for meningiomas is radiotherapy (RT). Despite this, few studies have focused on identifying clinical covariates associated with failure of fractionated RT following surgical resection (fRT), and the timing of fRT following surgery still remains controversial (adjuvant versus salvage fRT). We assessed the outcomes of the largest, multi-institutional cohort of surgically resected meningiomas treated with subsequent adjuvant and salvage fRT to identify factors associated with local freedom from recurrence (LFFR) over 3-10 years post-fRT and to determine the optimal timing of fRT.

Methods: Patients with intracranial meningiomas who underwent surgery and fRT between 1997 and 2018 were included. Primary endpoints were radiographic recurrence/progression and time to progression from the completion of fRT.

Results: 404 meningiomas were included for analysis. Of these, 167 (41.3%) recurred post-fRT. Clinical covariates independently associated with worse PFS post-fRT included receipt of previous RT to the meningioma, having a WHO grade 3 meningioma or recurrent meningioma, the meningioma having a higher MIB1-index or brain invasion on pathology, and older patient age at diagnosis. Subgroup analysis identified higher MIB1-index as a histological factor associated with poorer LFFR in WHO grade 2 meningiomas. 179 patients underwent adjuvant RT shortly after surgery whereas 225 patients had delayed, salvage fRT after recurrence/progression. Following propensity score matching, patients that underwent adjuvant fRT had improved LFFR post-fRT compared to those that received salvage fRT.

Conclusion: There is a paucity of clinical factors that can predict a meningioma's response to fRT following surgery. Adjuvant fRT may be associated with improved PFS post-fRT compared to salvage fRT. Molecular biomarkers of RT-responsiveness are needed to better inform fRT treatment decisions.

Keywords: Adjuvant; Fractionated; Meningioma; Radiotherapy; Surgery.