koopmans: An Open-Source Package for Accurately and Efficiently Predicting Spectral Properties with Koopmans Functionals

J Chem Theory Comput. 2023 Oct 24;19(20):7097-7111. doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00652. Epub 2023 Aug 23.


Over the past decade we have developed Koopmans functionals, a computationally efficient approach for predicting spectral properties with an orbital-density-dependent functional framework. These functionals impose a generalized piecewise linearity condition to the entire electronic manifold, ensuring that orbital energies match the corresponding electron removal/addition energy differences (in contrast to semilocal DFT, where a mismatch between the two lies at the heart of the band gap problem and, more generally, the unreliability of Kohn-Sham orbital energies). This strategy has proven to be very powerful, yielding molecular orbital energies and solid-state band structures with comparable accuracy to many-body perturbation theory but at greatly reduced computational cost while preserving a functional formulation. This paper reviews the theory of Koopmans functionals, discusses the algorithms necessary for their implementation, and introduces koopmans, an open-source package that contains all of the code and workflows needed to perform Koopmans functional calculations and obtain reliable spectral properties of molecules and materials.