Enhancing the Value of Surgical Entrustable Professional Activities through Integrative Learning Analytics

J Surg Educ. 2023 Oct;80(10):1370-1377. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2023.07.018. Epub 2023 Aug 17.


Objective: To demonstrate the value of integrating surgical resident Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) data into a learning analytics platform that provides meaningful feedback for formative and summative decision-making.

Design: Description of the Surgical Entrustable Professional Activities (SEPA) analytics dashboard, and examples of summary analytics and intuitive display features.

Setting: Department of Surgery, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics.

Participants: Surgery residents, faculty, and residency program administrators.

Results: We outline the major functionalities of the SEPA dashboard and offer concrete examples of how these features are utilized by various stakeholders to support progressive entrustment decisions for surgical residents.

Conclusions: Our intuitive analytics platform allows for seamless integration of SEPA microassessment data to support Clinical Competency Committee (CCC) decisions for resident evaluation and provides point of training feedback to faculty and trainees in support of progressive autonomy.

Keywords: competency-based education; data visualization; entrustable professional activities; learning analytics; workplace-based assessment.