Six years of experience with the nationwide newborn ultrasonographic hip screening program in Turkey: a considerable change in the type of surgical interventions in developmental dysplasia of the hip

J Pediatr Orthop B. 2023 Aug 7. doi: 10.1097/BPB.0000000000001110. Online ahead of print.


This study aims to assess whether the nationwide newborn ultrasonographic hip screening program has influenced the rate of different types of surgical interventions performed in developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in children in Turkey. A retrospective analysis of the nationwide data obtained from the National Registry System between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2020, was carried out. The rate of minor and major surgical interventions was calculated by dividing the total number of primary closed/open reductions with or without tenotomies and the total number of primary pelvic or periacetabular osteotomies with or without femoral osteotomies by the total number of live births in the country per year, respectively. The rates of primary minor surgical interventions were found to be 0.47/1000 in 2015, 0.71/1000 in 2016, 1.07/1000 in 2017, 1.00/1000 in 2018, 1.06/1000 in 2019, and 0.89/1000 in 2020. The rates of primary major surgical intervention were found to be 0.74/1000 in 2015, 0.40/1000 in 2016, 0.33/1000 in 2017, 0.31/1000 in 2018, 0.32/1000 in 2019, and 0.21/1000 in 2020. The introduction of the nationwide newborn hip screening program has significantly changed the surgical treatment modalities in children with DDH. A nearly twofold increase in the rate of primary closed/open reduction and hip spica casting and nearly a three-quarter decrease in the rate of primary bony procedures were observed within 6 years.