Generative AI as a Tool for Environmental Health Research Translation

Geohealth. 2023 Jul 26;7(7):e2023GH000875. doi: 10.1029/2023GH000875. eCollection 2023 Jul.


One valuable application for generative artificial intelligence (AI) is summarizing research studies for non-academic readers. We submitted five articles to Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) for summarization, and asked the article's author to rate the summaries. Higher ratings were assigned to more insight-oriented activities, such as the production of eighth-grade reading level summaries, and summaries highlighting the most important findings and real-world applications. The general summary request was rated lower. For the field of environmental health science, no-cost AI technology such as ChatGPT holds the promise to improve research translation, but it must continue to be improved (or improve itself) from its current capability.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; environmental health justice; plain language summaries.