Open-Shell Tensor Hypercontraction

J Chem Theory Comput. 2023 Jul 11;19(13):3996-4010. doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00392. Epub 2023 Jun 23.


The extension of least-squares tensor hypercontracted second- and third-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (LS-THC-MP2 and LS-THC-MP3) to open-shell systems is an important development due to the scaling reduction afforded by THC and the ubiquity of molecular ions, radicals, and other open-shell reactive species. The complexity of wavefunction-based quantum-chemical methods such as Møller-Plesset and coupled cluster theory is reflected in the steep scaling of the computational costs with the molecular size. The least-squares tensor hypercontraction (LS-THC) method is an efficient, single-step factorization for the two-electron integral tensor but can also be used to factorize the double excitation amplitudes, leading to significant scaling reduction. Here we extend this promising method to open-shell variants of LS-THC-MP2 and -MP3 by using diagrammatic techniques and explicit spin summation. The accuracy of the resulting methods for open-shell species is benchmarked on standard test systems such as regular alkanes as well as realistic systems involving bond breaking, radical stabilization, and other effects. We find that open-shell LS-THC-MPn methods exhibit errors highly comparable to those produced by closed-shell LS-THC-MPn and are highly insensitive to particular chemical interactions, geometries, or even moderate spin contamination.