Double-Reversed Costal Cartilage Graft for Nasal Reconstruction

Plast Reconstr Surg. 2023 May 31. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000010776. Online ahead of print.


Costal cartilage provides the ideal graft for reconstruction of the nasal dorsum and tip given its abundant supply and flexural strength. Nevertheless, autologous costal cartilage grafts can be plagued by warping. Several techniques have been devised to offset the intrinsic warping effects of cartilage, but current techniques have several disadvantages. Herein, we present a multimedia demonstration of the double-reversed technique for costal cartilage reconstruction. This strategy is unique in its dual axis of rotation to offset warp in all dimensions. This technique can be performed with conventional instruments, does not introduce foreign material, and provides robust support to counteract the often scarred and contracted soft tissue envelope.