Non-traditional cognitive brain network involvement in insulo-Sylvian gliomas: a case series study and clinical experience using Quicktome

Chin Neurosurg J. 2023 May 26;9(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s41016-023-00325-4.


Background: Patients with insulo-Sylvian gliomas continue to present with severe morbidity in cognitive functions primarily due to neurosurgeons' lack of familiarity with non-traditional brain networks. We sought to identify the frequency of invasion and proximity of gliomas to portions of these networks.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data from 45 patients undergoing glioma surgery centered in the insular lobe. Tumors were categorized based on their proximity and invasiveness of non-traditional cognitive networks and traditionally eloquent structures. Diffusion tensor imaging tractography was completed by creating a personalized brain atlas using Quicktome to determine eloquent and non-eloquent networks in each patient. Additionally, we prospectively collected neuropsychological data on 7 patients to compare tumor-network involvement with change in cognition. Lastly, 2 prospective patients had their surgical plan influenced by network mapping determined by Quicktome.

Results: Forty-four of 45 patients demonstrated tumor involvement (< 1 cm proximity or invasion) with components of non-traditional brain networks involved in cognition such as the salience network (SN, 60%) and the central executive network (CEN, 56%). Of the seven prospective patients, all had tumors involved with the SN, CEN (5/7, 71%), and language network (5/7, 71%). The mean scores of MMSE and MOCA before surgery were 18.71 ± 6.94 and 17.29 ± 6.26, respectively. The two cases who received preoperative planning with Quicktome had a postoperative performance that was anticipated.

Conclusions: Non-traditional brain networks involved in cognition are encountered during surgical resection of insulo-Sylvian gliomas. Quicktome can improve the understanding of the presence of these networks and allow for more informed surgical decisions based on patient functional goals.

Keywords: Brain network; Cognitive function; Connectome; Insulo-Sylvian gliomas; Machine learning.