The role of ChatGPT in scientific communication: writing better scientific review articles

Am J Cancer Res. 2023 Apr 15;13(4):1148-1154. eCollection 2023.


Artificial intelligence tools represent an exciting opportunity for scientists to streamline their research and write impactful articles. Using artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT can greatly improve writing review articles for scientists, by enhancing efficiency and quality. ChatGPT speeds up writing, develops outlines, adds details, and helps improve writing style. However, ChatGPT's limitations must be kept in mind, and generated text must be reviewed and edited to avoid plagiarism and fabrication. Despite these limitations, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that allows scientists to focus on analyzing and interpreting literature reviews. Embracing these tools can help scientists produce meaningful research in a more efficient and effective manner, however caution must be taken and unchecked use of ChatGPT in writing should be avoided.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; ChatGPT; review article; scientific writing.

Publication types

  • Review