Invisible targets: Conceptualizing U.S. Latine youth's exposure to family-level vicarious racism

Child Dev Perspect. 2023 Mar;17(1):18-24. doi: 10.1111/cdep.12471. Epub 2022 Dec 8.


Vicarious exposure to discrimination can result in multiple negative outcomes in youth. In this article, we offer a conceptual model that articulates the intersecting contextual factors and potential moderators for U.S. Latine youth's exposure to family-level vicarious racism, and explore how that affects youth and family responses. We define and describe youth's exposure to family-level vicarious racism, considering the ramifications of these experiences through family processes and cultural values. We conclude by arguing that research on discrimination and racism in Latine families needs to account for family-level processes.

Keywords: Latine; discrimination; family; vicarious racism; youth.