The dataset of de novo assembly and inferred functional annotation of the transcriptome of Heterosigma akashiwo, a bloom-forming, cosmopolitan raphidophyte

Data Brief. 2023 Mar 22:48:109071. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109071. eCollection 2023 Jun.


Heterosigma akashiwo is a eukaryotic, cosmopolitan, and unicellular alga (class: Raphidophyceae), and produces fish-killing blooms. There is a substantial scientific and practical interest in its ecophysiological characteristics that determine bloom dynamics and its adaptation to broad climate zones. A well-annotated genomic/genetic sequence information enables researchers to characterize organisms using modern molecular technology. In the present study, we conducted H. akashiwo RNA sequencing, a de novo transcriptome assembly of 84,693,530 high-quality deduplicated short-read sequences. Obtained RNA reads were assembled by Trinity assembler and 144,777 contigs were identified with N50 values of 1085. Total 60,877 open reading frames with the length of 150 bp or greater were predicted. For further analyses, top Gene Ontology terms, pfam hits, and blast hits were annotated for all the predicted genes. The raw data were deposited in the NCBI SRA database (BioProject PRJDB6241 and PRJDB15108), and the assemblies are available in NCBI TSA database (ICRV01). The annotation information can be obtained in Dryad and can be accessed via doi: 10.5061/dryad.m0cfxpp56.

Keywords: Gene ontology; Gene prediction; Harmful alga; Heterokont; Nuclear gene; Stramenopile.

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  • Dryad/10.5061/dryad.m0cfxpp56