The differential item functioning (DIF) testing for the WOCC (Ways of Coping Checklist) instrument based on gender

Heliyon. 2023 Mar 23;9(4):e14769. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14769. eCollection 2023 Apr.


This study examined the Item Response Theory (IRT) method with statistical analysis to determine Differential Item Functioning (DIF) between men and women on the Ways of Coping Checklist (WOCC) Instruments revised by Vitaliano, Russo, Carr, Mauiro, and Becker (1985). Furthermore, it utilized primary data from 722 respondents with educational backgrounds ranging from senior high school, diplomas, and doctorates. The software packages QUEST, BILOG-MG, LISREL, and ITEMAN were used for analysis to address the concerns. Meanwhile, several items on the WOCC instrument indicated the presence of the DIF based on the calculation results using the IRT method with the QUEST and BILOG-MG software. According to the overall calculation for 1 PL and 2 PL using both tools, 8 items containing the DIF are distributed over the dimensions of problem solving, seeking social support, blaming self, and wishful thinking.

Keywords: Coping stress; DIF; Differential item functioning; IRT; Psychometry; Stress.