Lens and Peripheral Retinal Relationships During Vitrectomy: Comparison of 23-, 25-, and 27-Gauge Vitrectomy and Curved Endolaser Probes

J Vitreoretin Dis. 2020 Dec 21;5(4):333-336. doi: 10.1177/2474126420971979. eCollection 2021 Jul-Aug.


Purpose: This work aims to compare spatial relationships between the crystalline lens and vitrectomy instruments of different gauges.

Methods: Eight phakic eyes recovered from deceased donors were used after fixation. Valved trocars (27-gauge, 25-gauge, and 23-gauge) were sequentially placed in the superotemporal quadrant 4 mm posterior to the limbus in each eye. Intraocular relationships of vitrectomy and curved endolaser probes were measured for each gauge.

Results: There were no significant differences in maneuverability between instruments of different gauges. The mean distance from instrument to lens at the geometric center of the globe was 5.5 mm. Vitrectomy probes of all gauges could access the peripheral retina on both sides of the sclerotomy in the 3 to 4 o'clock position adjacent to the sclerotomy without touching the lens. The instruments could be advanced without lens touch to contact the retina within at least 2 mm of the ora serrata 180° away from the insertion site.

Conclusions: Vitrectomy and curved endolaser probes achieved similar maneuverability relative to the lens regardless of gauge. This study confirms that small-gauge vitrectomy instruments have a considerable range of safe access to the peripheral retina in phakic eyes from a single sclerotomy.

Keywords: crystalline lens; endolaser probe; intraocular relationships; vitrectomy; vitrectomy cutter.